Photo Manipulation | Elements [EARTH]

-TK-4 Comments
Behold:  The epic[ish] conclusion and recap!

This was actually the first basic concept that solidified in the brainstorming process, as well as the first set-up we did.  

Since I knew we'd be shooting in an abandoned area, I thought of how to use the space for "earth," even if now, I realize it would've been a ton easier (and made a lot more sense) if we'd just gone out and shot in the woods somewhere.  Ha.  Groundbreaking, I know.  But at the time, considering my surroundings, I loved the idea of the outside growing in.   

"...as the editing progressed, I loved even more the idea of a "Tree of Life" in the midst of dead surroundings."

And there ya have it.  Here's Earth!....and Air, and Fire, and Water.

[ E A R T H ]

The Models:  Rachel Carithers, Gloria Dortch
The Stuff:  Canon 5D Mkiii, Canon 580 EXii Speedlite, Westcott Rapidbox w/ beauty dish reflector plate, Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop
The Partners in Crime:  Aimee Burchard, Nathan DeWild, Logan Foll, Matt Hadley, Jonathan Morua, Ricky Oliveras, Brandan Roberts