LifeSong: Guitars, Trains 'n Automobiles

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Last weekend was spent in my home-state of Virginia and the agenda couldn't pass up an awesome band shoot :) I'd met Glacier (yup, that's his name...awesome isn't it?) a couple years ago and when we reconnected on Facebook, he mentioned he and his band were in the market for a photo-shoot. So the privilege of hanging out with the most crazy fun group was given to me.

We found some awesome spots that included pretty much everything they'd been looking for :) Desolate fields, corn fields, run-down houses (with an old car in the middle of the woods, how cool is that?), and even though they had sworn off rail-road tracks, we couldn't resist when the red lights came on and a train came through :) They wrapped up the shoot by gracing me with a mini-concert where I got some candid ops, but I digress! Let me meet you to the band, here be they!